Duplicate records not allowed in file wxsess

MSG_ERROR_REPORT (433) - OWXWEBAPPERROR (18) - at address 4559
MSG_ERROR_REPORT (433) - OWXWEBAPPERROR (18) - at address 14498
GET_CREATEANONYMOUSSESSION (6167) - OWXSESSION (52) - at address 21508
GET_NEWUSERID (6367) - OWXUSER (119) - at address 23779
GET_DOCALL (1284) - OCALLINTERFACE (53) - in native code
GET_DOCALL (1284) - OWXSESSION (52) - at address 8678
MSG_ONDFFUNC (4901) - OVDFINETSESSION (40) - at address 7256
MSG_STARTWEBAPP (5261) - OWEBAPP (38) - at address 11436
[start] - at address 36069

VDF-GUIdance - Sandbox

Shared knowledge leads to accumulated knowledge

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If you want to testdrive Open eLectos without installing it, then you're in luck as we have installed a testversion of the latest stable release on our server for you to play with.
This version has been restricted in a few options such as the ability to create html elements but other than that it should give you a perfect indication of the current status of the Content Management part of the project.

To see open electos in action click here

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Login: admin
Password: admin

To log in as a guest use
Login: guest
Password: guest