The Hammer
Welcome at the project page for
"The Hammer".
The hammer is a
Free Open Source programmer's texteditor which is build in VDF and specialized for building applications in DataFlex with a lot of cool stuff!
It is not meant as a replacement for the IDE, but is a very nice tool to have as an addon to your toolset.
The hammer only exists for about a year now and already has gotten a very rich featureset thanks to several generous developers all over the world.
Its features-set includes for example:
- several autosuggestion-lists such as for fieldnames, methods, objects, classes and DataFlex keys.
- supports several languages including: C/C++, Basic, Java, Pascal, SQL, Html and Xml oh and ofcourse DataFlex

- Context sensitive help is now available under the keys <Ctrl>+<F1>
- a new setup-script is written using the open source installer NSIS from nullsoft, the source of the script for this is included.
- The ability to make revision entries.
- An integrated ToDo-list manager.
The Hammer is for the main part written in Visual DataFlex and build up around the CodeMax component.
This is the same component that is used in the IDE of VDF.
Below is a screenshot of the Hammer in action to give you a general idea about its capabilities.
We now have our first public
BETA release of the new Hammer version 1.5.
We sure hope you all like it.
Download the setup below that applies for you.
Here is the download link for the FULL version:
Binary setup FTP download Hammer version 1.5 Build 3 dated May 7, 2002 (~ 3MB in size)
This includes sources, binary, documentation and a VDF7 runtime
Here is the download link for the FULL version, but without the VDF7 runtimer
Binary setup FTP download Hammer version 1.5 Build 3 dated May 7, 2002 (~ 2MB in size)
This includes sources, binary and documentation
Here is the download link for the SOURCE ONLY version, without the VDF7 runtimer
Source Only setup FTP download Hammer version 1.5 Build 3 dated May 9, 2002 (~ 1MB in size)
This includes sources, the asdbc binary and documentation
You'll also need
this file (396 bytes), a Header template file.
I accidentily forgot to add this into the setup. Drop the file Header.tpl into the Programs subfolder where you installed the hammer and you should be fine.
Installation Tips
Since this is a totally new installation script that we use, we strongly advise you to:
1. Make a backup of the VDF7 workspace registry subtree before installing
2. Do not select to install the VDF7 runtime if it is already installed at your system
Be also aware that we can not take any responsibilities for problems that might occur if something bad happens.
As a compensating factor to the above i can assure you that we had a closed beta cycle in which several developers carefully tested the install.
Sophos Antivirus users that are getting a warning that the download contains the momma-B trojan better update their antivirus definitions. The july 2002 av definitions are incorrectly reporting this, the August AV definitions fix this.
Powerpoint slides Hammer version 1.0 presented at the EDUC.
Look for the geek sessions; VDF-GUIdance and Open Source. That will give you a general idea about its capabilities.
Binary setup Hammer version 1.0 dated May 18, 2001
Sources Hammer version 1.0 Build 19