Since I regularly use
Beyond Compare to determine changes in Datafile structures, and got tired of seeing ALL .DEF files displayed within that program as different,
when Anders released his DefGenerator package I decided to make myself a utility
that would create .DFF files (actually .DEF files, but without the "Date", "Time"
and "Records Used" info), as well as creating standard .FD files if I wanted it to
do so. The .DFF extension was used as the one I wanted (.DIF) is used within
some Version Control Systems, according to Wil van Antwerpen (Thanks for the advice, Wil)
In the course of development I decided to also add the ability to create standard
.DEF files - because I could create them fast and easily without having to click
on the "Ok" button of DbBuilder every time it 'hit' a missing datafile.
Then I saw that I could also add the ability to re-index the files within any
selected FileList.Cfg file. All in all, I thought it could be useful to other,
so have released it into the Public Domain.
I have successfully run it on not only VDF filelists, but also Character-Mode Version
3.x filelists. It does NOT appear to work when using a DF2.3x filelist.
Notes re use of "ROOT" versus "LOGICAL" filenaming for .FD files (Only !)
Since some developers use a shortened 'File-Root-Name' (ROOT-NAME) for the
'Dataflex-File-Name' (LOGICAL-NAME), and others echo the ROOT-NAME to the
LOGICAL-NAME without any changes, this utility has been written to handle
both scenarios. Why they do this is beyond me, but we do have one Company
here in OZ that does this - which is a real pest (I mean the code-style,
not the Company <vbg>)!
Contributed to the Public Domain by:
Peter Tawse
Microbase Software
Melbourne, Australia
See inside contribution readme for contact details if required
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Using a modified DefGenerator.Pkg file - called DffGen.Pkg
Other Contributors were:
Anders Ohrt - DefGenerator and DefGenerator_Helpers - included.
Sture Anderson -
Vdfquery23 system required to compile - not included.
It can be obtained from DAW's FTP site.
Wil van Antwerpen - Assisted with suggestions and debugging.
Thanks, Guys