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DDUG Newsletter November 2001

by Marco Kuipers


The november 2001 newsletter of the DDUG.
It includes three articles:
1.'The client who didn't know he needed SQL' by Barry Munro
2.'Version Control System, what, when and where' by Marco Kuipers
3.'Add spellcheck to your VDF in 10 minutes' by Marco Kuipers
Size: 89 KB Download
Date Created: 03/11/2001
Date Updated: 03/11/2001
Author: Marco Kuipers
Company: DataFlex Developers '& Users' Group

The november 2001 newsletter of the DDUG.
This time it includes three articles:
1.'The client who didn't know he needed SQL' by Barry Munro
2.'Version Control System, what, when and where' by Marco Kuipers
3.'Add spellcheck to your VDF in 10 minutes' by Marco Kuipers

Select the download button on the previous page to get the pdf-document.
- The spellchecker contribution described above seems to need one additional tweak in order to work perfect. Without this you will get the error "Invalid message GET_COMVALUE" when you are typing anything into the textfield.

The fix is to change the code:
Get Comvalue to sValue
Get Comtext to sValue