Copenhagen, January 24th 2000

This is the readme file of VDFQUERY ver. 1.3b2 for VDF 5.x / VDF 6

The packages in the VdfQuery upload available from the FTP site of Data Access were programmed by me and are to be considered 'public domain' and may be distributed freely as is or as part of a product including these files with no further permission than this statement.

The file contains all packages needed for integrating a query tool into your VDF applications. Documentation is available in a Word document also found in the zip file.

Sture Andersen

New in version 1.3b2 (January 2000)

* Y2K bug in popup calendar fixed
* APS mildly updated

New in version 1.3b (June 1999)

* The global WinPrint objects is now reset after printing a VDFQuery report.
* All supported languages updated
* Missing jump-out on numeric index segments fixed
* Jump-in error involving descending index segments fixed
* Clean-up code added to VdfSort (to avoid calling the DDB)
* VDFSort will now compile if used inside the client area
* DD field labels may now be displayed in field selector list (by right clicking on the list)
* Files may now be hidden from the user via the VdfQuery_ExcludeFile property.
* VDFGraph packages included (and documented in a separate Word document)

New in version 1.3 (April 1999)

* Field names beginning with an '@' character are now excluded.
* Portuguese string constants have been added.
* Now possible to hide fields from the user.
* All selection criteria for a report may be specified in one panel.
* Multi level report breaking added.
* Now possible to use field labels as specified in DD classes.
* Programmer specified functions may appear as printable and selectable fields.
* WinPrint reports now looks more appealing (I think).

New in version 1.2b (October 1998)

* Argument size adjustment now also in effect when the WinPrint interface is used.
* Dutch added.
* Shadow error on 'orientation' check box fixed.
* HTML capability added.

New in version 1.1 (July 1998)

* Supports new 'MaxLength' feature in WinPrint 1.16 (in fact, it now ONLY works with WinPrint 1.16 and above).
* Swedish and German have been added.
* It is now possible to print the reports in landscape.